
Code Grader

Code Grader

A platform for grading and optimising user code submissions using Large Language models.

Tech Used: Langchain, Codellama LLM, FastAPI, Next.js



A microservices application that shares user videos scalably.

Tech Used: Next.js, Golang, Rust, Node.js, Redis, RabbitMQ, System Design

Analytics API

Analytics API

An admin panel dashboard for analytics of user activity and engagement.

Tech Used: Next.js, Django Rest Framework, Typescript, Python

Computer Shop

Computer Shop

A full stack e-commerce web application for a computer shop.

Tech Used: React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Redux-Toolkit, Typescript

Snappio Backend

Snappio Backend

A backend for a social media/chat application.

Tech Used: Django Rest Framework, Django Channels, Redis, PostgreSQL

SmartShala (SIH 2022)

SmartShala (SIH 2022)

SmartShala is a mobile application that aims to automate the grading process using AI/ML to scan answer sheets and upload the results to teacher portal.

Tech Used: Flutter, Dart

Calories Tracker API

Calories Tracker API

A REST API for tracking calories and macronutrients of food items via Natural Language Processing.

Tech Used: Django Rest Framework, Nutritionix API

Cipherschools Profile Page

Cipherschools Profile Page

A clone of Cipherschools profile page with a backend for storing user data.

Tech Used: ReactJS, Redux-Toolkit, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Typescript

Digital Whiteboard

Digital Whiteboard

A digital whiteboard for drawing and writing.

Tech Used: ReactJS, Fabric.js, CSS, Typescript



A completely decentralized peer to peer messaging and video-calling application.

Tech Used: NextJS13, PeerJS, Redux-Toolkit, Typescript



A REST API for creating and fetching posts using JWT.

Tech Used: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Redis